
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 6 deletions
......@@ -41,9 +41,15 @@ The syntax of formulae is described at [pytl]( :
| "(" phi ")"
| atom
Supported operators :
- unary : `EX, EF, EG, AX, AF, AG`
- binary : `EU, EW, ER, AU, AW, AR`
quantifier ::= "A" | "E"
unarymod ::= "X" | "F" | "G"
boolop ::= "&" | "|" | "=>" | "<=>"
binarymod ::= "U" | "R"
atom ::= /\w+|"[^"]+"|'[^']+'/
### Fair CTL
......@@ -54,6 +60,30 @@ An additional argument must be given at initialization, representing the fairnes
- a list of strings, Phi objects or sdd, representing the list of fairness constraints : [f1, f2,...]
- a single string, Phi or sdd, representing a single fairness constraint
Supported operators :
- unary : `EX, EF, EG, AX, AF, AG`
- binary : `EU, AU`
The syntax of formulae is described at [pytl]( :
phi ::= quantifier unarymod phi
| quantifier phi binarymod phi
| phi boolop phi
| "~" phi
| "(" phi ")"
| atom
quantifier ::= ("A" | "E") ("{" actions "}")?
unarymod ::= "X" | "F" | "G"
boolop ::= "&" | "|" | "=>" | "<=>"
binarymod ::= "U" | "R"
atom ::= /\w+|"[^"]+"|'[^']+'/
actions ::= "(" actions ")"
| "~" actions
| actions boolop actions
| atom
### FairARCTL