Add logic attribute logic and comments again, first sketch for ARCTL

......@@ -15,6 +15,16 @@ def fixpoint(fonction, start):
####################### CTL #######################
class CTL_model_checker(object):
Object which can symbolically compute the subset of the universe where a given CTL formula is satisfied.
Attributes :
- variables : the list of the variables
Methods :
- check(formula) : returns the sdd representing the subset of the universe where the input formula is satisfied
- atom(var) : returns the sdd representing the subset of the universe where var is True
def __init__ (self, universe, pred):
Input :
......@@ -25,6 +35,8 @@ class CTL_model_checker(object):
assert isinstance(universe, sdd), "universe must be of type sdd"
assert isinstance(pred, shom), "pred must be of type shom"
self.logic = "CTL"
self.variables = next(iter(universe))[0].vars() # c'est tres sale mais je trouve pas d'autre solution pour l'instant
self.CTL_True = universe
......@@ -32,7 +44,7 @@ class CTL_model_checker(object):
self.neg = lambda phi : self.CTL_True - phi
self.gfp = lambda fonction : fixpoint(fonction, self.CTL_True)
self.lfp = lambda fonction : fixpoint(fonction, self.CTL_False)
self.EX = pred & universe
self.deadlock = self.neg(self.EX(self.CTL_True))
self.EF = lambda phi : self.lfp(lambda Z : phi | self.EX(Z))
......@@ -41,7 +53,7 @@ class CTL_model_checker(object):
self.EW = lambda phi1, phi2 : self.gfp(lambda Z : phi2 | (phi1 & (self.EX(Z) | self.deadlock)))
self.ER = lambda phi1, phi2 : self.gfp(lambda Z : phi2 & (phi1 | self.EX(Z) | self.deadlock))
self.EM = lambda phi1, phi2 : self.lfp(lambda Z : phi2 & (phi1 | self.EX(Z)))
self.AX = lambda phi : self.EX(self.CTL_True) & self.neg(self.EX(self.neg(phi)))
self.AF = lambda phi : self.lfp(lambda Z : phi | self.AX(Z))
self.AG = lambda phi : self.gfp(lambda Z : phi & (self.AX(Z) | self.deadlock))
......@@ -56,7 +68,11 @@ class CTL_model_checker(object):
@lru_cache(maxsize=None) # si la version de python etait 3.9 on pourrait utiliser functools.cache directement
def atom(self, var):
Input :
- var : string
Output :
The sdd representing the subset of the universe where var is True.
assert var in self.variables, var + " is not a variable"
d =
......@@ -89,10 +105,17 @@ class CTL_model_checker(object):
elif phi.kind in self.binarymod:
return self.binarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]), self._phi2sdd(phi.children[1]))
raise ValueError(repr(phi) + "is not a CTL sub formula")
raise ValueError(repr(phi) + "is not a " + self.logic + " sub formula")
def check(self, formula):
Input :
- formula : string or tl.Phi object
Output :
The sdd representing the subset of the universe where the formula is satisfied.
assert isinstance(formula , str) or isinstance(formula , Phi), "The formula given in input must be a string or a parsed formula"
if isinstance(formula , str):
formula = parse(formula).ctl()
......@@ -142,7 +165,7 @@ class FairCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
self.EW_fair = lambda phi1, phi2 : self.EU_fair(phi1, phi2) | self.EG_fair(phi1)
self.ER_fair = lambda phi1, phi2 : self.EW_fair(phi2, phi1 & phi2)
self.EM_fair = self.EM
self.AX_fair = self.AX
self.AF_fair = lambda phi : self.neg(self.EG_fair(self.neg(phi)))
self.AG_fair = lambda phi : self.neg(self.EF_fair(self.neg(phi)))
......@@ -165,27 +188,69 @@ class ACTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
####################### ARCTL #######################
from itertools import compress
from functools import reduce
import itertools
import functools
from ddd import shom
def build_dict_labeled_pred(v):
# v.model.spec.rules contains a list of Rule objects ( representing the rules
# v.g.m.transitions() returns a dict of {"R15" : shom}
# v.g.m.transitions() returns a dict of {string label : shom}
# TODO : ajouter la gestion des contraintes (ca risque de causer beaucoup de problèmes parce que l'union des pred_alpha ne donnera pas pred à cause que ca ne fera pas l'union des contraintes)
res = dict()
labels = list(set([r.label for r in v.model.spec.rules]))# build a list of unique value of Rule labels
labels.sort() # sort this list for better display
for label in labels:
# get the indexes of the rules labeld with label
rules_index = list(compress(["R"+str(r.num) for r in m.model.spec.rules], [r.label == label for r in m.model.spec.rules]))
rules_index = list(itertools.compress(["R"+str(r.num) for r in m.model.spec.rules], [r.label == label for r in m.model.spec.rules]))
# get the shoms corresponding to those indexes
shoms = [m.g.m.transitions()[i] for i in rules_index]
# build the union of those shoms
succ = reduce(shom.__or__, shoms, shom.empty())
succ = functools.reduce(shom.__or__, shoms, shom.empty())
res[label] = succ.invert(v.g.reachable)
return res
class ARCTL_model_checker(CTL_model_checker):
# pred doit etre un dict{label : pred_label}
# pred doit etre un dict{label : pred_label}
# juste appeler CTL_model_checker en lui donnant le shom correspondant à la formule d'action
def __init__ (self, universe, pred_dict):
Input :
- universe is a sdd representing the state space (for example v.g.reachable)
- pred is a dictionary associating transition label strings to shom representing the inverse of succ for this label (for exemple using build_dict_labeled_pred(v))
assert isinstance(pred_dict, dict), "pred_dict must be of type dict"
assert len(pred_dict) >= 1, "pred_dict must contain at least one element"
for e in pred_dict : # for each key of the dictionnary
assert isinstance(e, str), "every key of pred_dict must be of type string"
assert isinstance(pred_dict[e], shom), "every value of pred_dict must be of type shom"
super().__init__(universe, functools.reduce(shom.__or__, pred_dict.values(), shom.empty()))
self.logic = "ARCTL"
self.pred_dict = pred_dict
def build_pred(self, actions):
def check(self, formula):
Input :
- formula : string or tl.Phi object
Output :
The sdd representing the subset of the universe where the formula is satisfied.
assert isinstance(formula , str) or isinstance(formula , Phi), "The formula given in input must be a string or a parsed formula"
if isinstance(formula , str):
formula = parse(formula).arctl()
return self._phi2sdd(formula)
# recursive function that builds the sdd along the syntax tree (bottom-up, going-up from the tree leaves)
def _phi2sdd(self, phi):
if phi.kind in self.unarymod and phi.actions:
return CTL_model_checker(self.CTL_True, self.build_pred(phi.actions)).unarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]))
elif phi.kind in self.binarymod and phi.actions:
return CTL_model_checker(self.CTL_True, self.build_pred(phi.actions)).binarymod[phi.kind](self._phi2sdd(phi.children[0]), self._phi2sdd(phi.children[1]))
return super()._phi2sdd(Phi(phi.kind, [self._phi2ssd(child) for child in phi.children]))