10.7 KB
"""A plugin to add labels to nodes and nets. Labels are names (valid
Python identifiers) associated to arbitrary objects.

>>> import snakes.plugins
>>> snakes.plugins.load('labels', 'snakes.nets', 'nets')
<module ...>
>>> from nets import *
>>> t = Transition('t')
>>> t.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
>>> t.label('foo')
>>> t.label('spam')

Note that when nodes in a Petri net are merged, their labels are
merged too, but in an arbitrary order. So, for example:

>>> n = PetriNet('N')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p1'))
>>>'p1').label(foo='bar', spam='ham')
>>> n.add_place(Place('p2'))
>>>'p2').label(hello='world', spam='egg')
>>> n.merge_places('p', ['p1', 'p2'])
>>>'p').label('spam') in ['ham', 'egg']

In the latter statement, we cannot know whether the label will be one
or the other value because merging has been done in an arbitrary

from snakes.plugins import plugin, new_instance
from snakes.pnml import Tree

def extend (module) :
    class Transition (module.Transition) :
        def label (self, *get, **set) :
            """Get and set labels for the transition. The labels given
            in `get` will be returned as a `tuple` and the labels
            assigned in `set` will be changed accordingly. If a label
            is given both in `get`and `set`, the returned value is
            that it had at the beginning of the call, ie, before it is
            set by the call.

            @param get: labels which values have to be returned
            @type get: `str`
            @param set: labels which values have to be changed
            @type set: `object`
            @return: the tuples of values corresponding to `get`
            @rtype: `tuple`
            @raise KeyError: when a label given in `get` has not been
                assigned previouly
            if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                self._labels = {}
            result = tuple(self._labels[g] for g in get)
            if len(get) == 1 :
                return result[0]
            elif len(get) > 1 :
                return result
            elif len(set) == 0 :
                return self._labels.copy()
        def has_label (self, name, *names) :
            """Check is a label has been assigned to the transition.

            @param name: the label to check
            @type name: `str`
            @param names: additional labels to check, if used, the
                return value is a `tuple` of `bool` instead of a
                single `bool`
            @return: a Boolean indicating of the checked labels are
                present or not in the transitions
            @rtype: `bool`
            if len(names) == 0 :
                return name in self._labels
            else :
                return tuple(n in self._labels for n in (name,) + names)
        # apidoc stop
        def copy (self, name=None, **options) :
            if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                self._labels = {}
            result = module.Transition.copy(self, name, **options)
            result._labels = self._labels.copy()
            return result
        def __pnmldump__ (self) :
            >>> t = Transition('t')
            >>> t.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
            >>> t.__pnmldump__()
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
             <transition id="t">
              <label name="foo">
               <object type="str">
              <label name="spam">
               <object type="int">
            t = module.Transition.__pnmldump__(self)
            if hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                for key, val in self._labels.items() :
                    t.add_child(Tree("label", None,
            return t
        def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
            >>> old = Transition('t')
            >>> old.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
            >>> p = old.__pnmldump__()
            >>> new = Transition.__pnmlload__(p)
            >>> new
            Transition('t', Expression('True'))
            >>> new.__class__
            <class 'snakes.plugins.labels.Transition'>
            >>> new.label('foo', 'spam')
            ('bar', 42)
            t = new_instance(cls, module.Transition.__pnmlload__(tree))
            t._labels = dict((lbl["name"], lbl.child().to_obj())
                             for lbl in tree.get_children("label"))
            return t
    class Place (module.Place) :
        def label (self, *get, **set) :
            "See documentation for `Transition.label` above"
            if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                self._labels = {}
            result = tuple(self._labels[g] for g in get)
            if len(get) == 1 :
                return result[0]
            elif len(get) > 1 :
                return result
            elif len(set) == 0 :
                return self._labels.copy()
        def has_label (self, name, *names) :
            "See documentation for `Transition.has_label` above"
            if len(names) == 0 :
                return name in self._labels
            else :
                return tuple(n in self._labels for n in (name,) + names)
        # apidoc stop
        def copy (self, name=None, **options) :
            if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                self._labels = {}
            result = module.Place.copy(self, name, **options)
            result._labels = self._labels.copy()
            return result
        def __pnmldump__ (self) :
            >>> p = Place('p')
            >>> p.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
            >>> p.__pnmldump__()
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
             <place id="p">
              <type domain="universal"/>
              <label name="foo">
               <object type="str">
              <label name="spam">
               <object type="int">
            t = module.Place.__pnmldump__(self)
            if hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                for key, val in self._labels.items() :
                    t.add_child(Tree("label", None,
            return t
        def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
            >>> old = Place('p')
            >>> old.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
            >>> p = old.__pnmldump__()
            >>> new = Place.__pnmlload__(p)
            >>> new
            Place('p', MultiSet([]), tAll)
            >>> new.__class__
            <class 'snakes.plugins.labels.Place'>
            >>> new.label('foo', 'spam')
            ('bar', 42)
            p = new_instance(cls, module.Place.__pnmlload__(tree))
            p._labels = dict((lbl["name"], lbl.child().to_obj())
                             for lbl in tree.get_children("label"))
            return p
    class PetriNet (module.PetriNet) :
        def label (self, *get, **set) :
            "See documentation for `Transition.label` above"
            if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                self._labels = {}
            result = tuple(self._labels[g] for g in get)
            if len(get) == 1 :
                return result[0]
            elif len(get) > 1 :
                return result
            elif len(set) == 0 :
                return self._labels.copy()
        def has_label (self, name, *names) :
            "See documentation for `Transition.has_label` above"
            if len(names) == 0 :
                return name in self._labels
            else :
                return tuple(n in self._labels for n in (name,) + names)
        # apidoc stop
        def copy (self, name=None, **options) :
            if not hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                self._labels = {}
            result = module.PetriNet.copy(self, name, **options)
            result._labels = self._labels.copy()
            return result
        def __pnmldump__ (self) :
            >>> n = PetriNet('n')
            >>> n.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
            >>> n.__pnmldump__()
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
             <net id="n">
              <label name="foo">
               <object type="str">
              <label name="spam">
               <object type="int">
            t = module.PetriNet.__pnmldump__(self)
            if hasattr(self, "_labels") :
                for key, val in self._labels.items() :
                    t.add_child(Tree("label", None,
            return t
        def __pnmlload__ (cls, tree) :
            >>> old = PetriNet('n')
            >>> old.label(foo='bar', spam=42)
            >>> p = old.__pnmldump__()
            >>> new = PetriNet.__pnmlload__(p)
            >>> new
            >>> new.__class__
            <class 'snakes.plugins.labels.PetriNet'>
            >>> new.label('foo', 'spam')
            ('bar', 42)
            n = new_instance(cls, module.PetriNet.__pnmlload__(tree))
            n._labels = dict((lbl["name"], lbl.child().to_obj())
                             for lbl in tree.get_children("label"))
            return n
        def merge_places (self, target, sources, **options) :
            module.PetriNet.merge_places(self, target, sources, **options)
            new =
            for place in sources :
        def merge_transitions (self, target, sources, **options) :
            module.PetriNet.merge_transitions(self, target, sources, **options)
            new = self.transition(target)
            for trans in sources :
    return Transition, Place, PetriNet