ns.abcd 1.55 KB
# communication network
buffer nw : object = ()
# implementation of nonces and Dolev-Yao attacker
from dolev_yao import *

net Alice (this, who: buffer) :
    # protocol initiater
    buffer peer : int = ()
    buffer peer_nonce : Nonce = ()
    [who?(B), peer+(B), nw+("crypt", ("pub", B), this, Nonce(this))]
    ; [nw-("crypt", ("pub", this), Na, Nb), peer_nonce+(Nb) if Na == Nonce(this)]
    ; [peer?(B), peer_nonce?(Nb), nw+("crypt", ("pub", B), Nb)]

net Bob (this) :
    # protocol responder
    buffer peer : int = ()
    buffer peer_nonce : Nonce = ()
    [nw-("crypt", ("pub", this), A,  Na), peer+(A), peer_nonce+(Na)]
    ; [peer?(A), peer_nonce?(Na), nw+("crypt", ("pub", A),  Na, Nonce(this))]
    ; [nw-("crypt", ("pub", this), Nb) if Nb == Nonce(this)]

net Mallory (this, init) :
    # attacker
    buffer knowledge : object = (this, Nonce(this), ("priv", this)) + init
    # Dolev-Yao attacker, bound by protocol signature
    buffer spy : object = Spy(("crypt", ("pub", int), int, Nonce),
                               ("crypt", ("pub", int), Nonce, Nonce),
                               ("crypt", ("pub", int), Nonce))
    # capture on message and learn from it
    ([spy?(s), nw-(m), knowledge>>(k), knowledge<<(s.learn(m, k))]
     # loose message or inject another one (may be the same)
     ; ([True] + [spy?(s), knowledge?(x), nw+(x) if s.message(x)]))
    * [False]

# Alice will contact one of these agents
buffer agents : int = 2, 3
# main processes, with friendly names
alice::Alice(1, agents)
| bob::Bob(2)
| spy::Mallory(3, (1, ("pub", 1), 2, ("pub", 2)))