snakes-pnml.txt 19.1 KB
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This document describes the PNML extensions used bu SNAKES. See for the definition of the standard PNML. In the
following, we use a simplified RELAX NG Compact Syntax (see For each element, we provide the Python class
that implements it (see API reference for details), a list of its
attributes and children elements.

## Petri net elements

element pnml {
  element net { ... }*
# Several nets may be provided in one PNML file.

element net {                  # class snakes.nets.PetriNet
  attribute id { text }        # identity of the net
  element place { ... }*       # places in the net
  element transition { ... }*  # transitions in the net
  element arc { ... }*         # arcs in the net

element place {                     # class snakes.nets.Place
  attribute id { text }             # identity of the place
  element type { ... }?             # for a coloured place
  element initialMarking {          # marking
    ( element text { num:integer }  # for a P/T place
     | element multiset { ... } )   # for a coloured place
# A P/T place is identified in SNAKES by the fact it has a typing
# constraint "tBlackToken". In such a case, its initial marking is
# given as the number of black tokens held by the place, which
# respects the PNML standard. In the other cases, the place is
# considered to be coloured and its type constraint is given by an
# element <type> and its marking is given by an element <multiset>.

element transition {            # class snakes.nets.Transition
  attribute id { text }         # identity of the transition
  element guard {
    element expression { ... }  # guard if not True
# When the guard is True, like in P/T nets, it is not saved in the
# PNML so that the result respects PNML standard. Otherwise, the guard
# is saved inside a tag <guard>.

element declare {
# One <declare> tag is added to <net> for each Python statement run
# using PetriNet.declare() for this net.

element global {
  attribute name { name:string }  # object's name
  element * { ... }               # value
# One <global> is added to <net> for each entry in net.globals that
# is not obtained through the use of PetriNet.declare().

## Arcs

element arc {
  attribute id { text }      # identity of the arc
  attribute source { text }  # identity of source node
  attribute target { text }  # identity of target node
  element inscription {
    element text {           # for a P/T net
    element * { ... }?       # for a coloured net
# When the net is a P/T net, a weight is given for the arcs, which
# respects the PNML standard. Otherwise, the inscription is one of the
# possible inscriptions given below.

element value {           # class snakes.nets.Value
  element object { ... }  # value transported on an arc

element variable {  # class snakes.nets.Variable
  name:string       # name of the variable

element expression {  # class snakes.nets.Expression
  expr:string         # text of the expression (Python code)

element test {                   #  class snakes.nets.Test
  ( element value { ... }
   | element variable { ... }
   | element expression { ... }
   | element multiarc { ... }
   | element tuple { ... } )     # tested annotation

element multiarc {               # class snakes.nets.MultiArc
  ( element value { ... }
   | element variable { ... }
   | element expression { ... }
   | element multiarc { ... }
   | element tuple { ... } )*    # list of encapsulated annotations

element tuple {                  # class snakes.nets.Tuple
  ( element value { ... }
   | element variable { ... }
   | element expression { ... }
   | element multiarc { ... }
   | element tuple { ... } )*    # list of encapsulated annotations

## Auxiliary tags

element token {  # class snakes.nets.BlackToken
}                # a standard black token

element marking {               # class snakes.nets.Marking
  element place {               # one for each marked place
    attribute id { text }       # identity of the place
    element tokens {
      element multiset { ... }  # marking of the place

element multiset {            # class
  element item {              # items in the multiset
    element value {
      element object { ... }  # value of one item
    element multiplicity {    # number of time it is repeated

element substitution {        # class
  element item {              # mapped variables
    element name {
      name:string             # variable name
    element value {
      element object { ... }  # associated value

## Python objects

element object {
  attribute type { ... }  # type of the object
  ...                     # depends of attribute type

element object {
  attribute type { "int" }  # object is an integer

element object {
  attribute type { "float" }  # object is a float

element object {
  attribute type { "str" }  # object is a string

element object {
  attribute type { "bool" }  # object is a Boolean
  ( "True" | "False" )

element object {
  attribute type { "list" }  # object is a list
  element object { ... }*    # list items

element object {
  attribute type { "tuple" }  # object is a tuple
  element object { ... }*     # tuple items

element object {
  attribute type { "set" }  # object is a set
  element object { ... }*   # set items

element object {
  attribute type { "method" }    # object is a class method
  attribute name { path:string}  # path to method, including module name

element object {
  attribute type { "function" }  # object is a function
  attribute name { path:string}  # path to function, including module name

element object {
  attribute type { "class" }     # object is a class
  attribute name { path:string}  # path to class, including module name

element object {
  attribute type { "module" }    # object is a module
  attribute name { path:string}  # path to module

element object {
  attribute type { "pickle" }  # object that cannot be handled symbolically
  data:string                  # pickled object

element object {
  attribute type { "NoneType" }  # object is the value None

## Typing constraints

element type {
  attribute domain { text }  # kind of typing constraint
  ...                        # depending on domain
# Module snakes.typing defines a full algebra of types, all are saved
# to an element <type>. The  attribute "domain" is then the key to
# decompose correctly a type. Below is a list of the different
# domains, with the structure of the corresponding type

element type {                         # class snakes.typing._And
  attribute domain { "intersection" }  # intersection of two types
  element left {                       # left operand type
    element type { ... }
  element right {                      # right operand type
    element type { ... }

element type {                  # class snakes.typing._Or
  attribute domain { "union" }  # union of two types
  element left {                # left operand type
    element type { ... }
  element right {               # right operand type
    element type { ... }

element type {                       # class snakes.typing._Sub
  attribute domain { "difference" }  # difference of two types
  element left {                     # left operand type
    element type { ... }
  element right {                    # right operand type
    element type { ... }

element type {                # class snakes.typing._Xor
  attribute domain { "xor" }  # exclusive union of two types
  element left {              # left operand type
    element type { ... }
  element right {             # right operand type
    element type { ... }

element type {                       # class snakes.typing._Invert
  attribute domain { "complement" }  # complement of a type
  element type { ... }               # complemented type

element type {                      # class snakes.typing._All
  attribute domain { "universal" }  # type with all possible values

element type {                  # class snakes.typing._Nothing
  attribute domain { "empty" }  # type with no value

element type {                     # class snakes.typing.Instance
  attribute domain { "instance" }  # type whose values are instances
  element object { ... }           # class of the instances

element type {                    # class snakes.typing.TypeCheck
  attribute domain { "checker" }  # type defined by a Boolean function
  element checker {
    element object { ... }        # the Boolean function
  element iterator {
    element object { ... }        # a function to enumerate the values

element type {                 # class snakes.typing.OneOf
  attribute domain { "enum" }  # enumerated type
  element object { ... }*      # values in the type

element type {                       # class snakes.typing.Collection
  attribute domain { "collection" }  # flat container type (list, set, ...)
  element container {
    element type { ... }             # type of the container
  element items {
    element type { ... }             # type of the contained items
  element min {
    element object { ... }           # smallest allowed number of elements
  element max {
    element object { ... }           # biggest allowed number of elements

element type {                    # class snakes.typing.Mapping
  attribute domain { "mapping" }  # dictionary-like container type
  element container {
    element type { ... }          # type of the container
  element keys {
    element type { ... }          # type of the contained keys
  element items {
    element type { ... }          # type of the contained items

element type {                  # class snakes.typing.Range
  attribute domain { "range" }  # values in a range
  element min {
    element object { ... }      # smallest allowed value
  element min {
    element object { ... }      # smallest excluded value
  element min {
    element object { ... }      # step between consecutive values

element type {                    # class snakes.typing.Greater
  attribute domain { "greater" }  # values bigger than a given one
  element object { ... }          # biggest excluded value

element type {                      # class snakes.typing.GreaterOrEqual
  attribute domain { "greatereq" }  # values not smaller than a given one
  element object { ... }            # smallest allowed value

element type {                 # class snakes.typing.Less
  attribute domain { "less" }  # values smaller than a given one
  element object { ... }       # smallest excluded value

element type {                   # class snakes.typing.LessOrEqual
  attribute domain { "lesseq" }  # values not bigger than a given one
  element object { ... }         # biggest allowed value

element type {                         # class snakes.typing.CrossProduct
  attribute domain { "crossproduct" }  # cross product of types
  element type { ... }*                # crossed types

## Additional elements from plugins

element snakes {
  attribute version { ... }       # SNAKES' version that produced this PNML
  element plugins {
    element object {
      attribute type { "tuple" }
      element object {            # the base module 'snakes.nets' is listed also
        attribute type { "str" } 
      element object {            # list of plugins
        attribute type { "str" } 
# Added to another element in order to specify the plugins necessary
# to load properly the element. <snakes><plugins> tags can be added at
# any position in the PNML, but they are then used globally for a
# whole <pnml> tree.

element status {            # class snakes.plugins.status.Status
  element name {
    name:string             # status name
  element value {
    element object { ... }  # attached value
# Added to <place> and <transition> when plugin 'status' is loaded.

element multiaction {      # class snakes.plugins.synchro.MultiAction
  element action { ... }*  # actions in the multi-action
# Added to <transition> when plugin 'synchro' is loaded.

element action {                   # class snakes.plugins.synchro.Action
  attribute name { name:string }   # action name
  attribute send { send:boolean }  # send/receive action
  element * { ... }*               # action parameters

element clusters {             # class snakes.plugins.clusters.Cluster
  element node { id:string }*  # nodes at this level
  element clusters { ... }*    # children clusters
# Added to <net> when plugin 'clusters' is loaded.

element label {                  # class snakes.plugins.labels
  attribute name { name:string}  # label name
  element object { ... }         # label content
# Added to <net>, <place> and <transition> when plugin 'labels' is
# loaded.

element graphics {
  element position {                      # node position
    attribute x { xpos:(integer|float) }  # x coordinate
    attribute y { ypos:(integer|float) }  # y coordinate
# Added to <place> and <transition> when plugin 'pos' is loaded.

element query {                # snakes.plugins.query.Query
  attribute name { name:text}  # name of the query
  element argument { ... }*    # arguments of the query
  element keyword {            # keyword arguments
    attribute name { text }    # keyword name
    element * { ... }          # associated value
# See file 'queries.txt'

element answer {
  attribute status { "ok" | "error" }  # status of the answer
  message:string?                      # error message if status=error
  element * { ... }?                   # returned value if status=ok 
# See file 'queries.txt'

## Abstract syntax tree

# The following specifies the PNML translation of abstract syntax
# trees for ABCD programs, as inserted into <net> but the ABCD
# compiler.

element ast {                        # class snakes.compyler.Tree
  attribute name { text }            # node nature
  attribute lineno { num:integer }?  # line number in source code
  attribute * { ... }*               # depending on name
  element * { ... }*                 # depending on name
# <ast> trees are obtained by direct translation of
# snakes.compyler.Tree instances: tree name is mapped to an attribute
# 'name', sub-trees are mapped to child tags, and attributes are
# mapped either to attributes or to child tags <attribute> when they
# cannot be represented as a simple string. The following lists the
# more current patterns. The element 'lineno' will be omitted in the
# following.

element ast {
  attribute name { "abcd" }          # start symbol
  element ast {                      # buffer declarations
    attribute name { "buffer" }
  element ast {                      # net declarations
    attribute name { "net" }
  element attribute {                # ABCD expression
    attribute name { "expr" }
# An ABCD program is composed of optional buffer and net declarations,
# followed by an ABCD expression.

element ast {
  attribute name { "buffer" }       # buffer declaration
  attribute ident { text:string }   # buffer's name
  element attribute {
    attribute name { "type" }       # buffer's type
  element attribute {               # buffer's initial value
    attribute name { "init" }

element net {
  attribute name { "net" }          # net declaration
  attribute ident { text:string }   # net's name
  element ast {                     # net's body
    attribute name { "abcd" }

element ast {
  attribute name { "expr" }
  element ast {
    attribute name { ( "parallel"     # binary composition
                      | "loop"
                      | "sequence"
                      | "choice" ) }
    element ast { ... }               # first operand
    element ast { ... }               # second operand

element ast {
  attribute name { "expr" }
  element ast {
    attribute name { "scope" }     # name hiding
    element ast { ... }            # first operand
    element object {
      attribute type { "str" }     # hidden name

element ast {
  attribute name { "action" }                 # basic action
  attribute net { ( name:string | "None" ) }  # reference to a net
  attribute test { ( "False" | "True" ) }?    # trivial condition
  element ast {
    attribute name { "access" }               # buffer access
    attribute buffer { name:string }          # buffer's name
    attribute mode { ("?" | "+" | "-") }      # test, put or get
    element attribute {
      attribute name { "param" }              # access' parameter
      element python { ... }                  # Python's AST of the parameter
  element attribute {                         # non-trivial condition
    attribute name { "test" }
    element python { ... }                    # Python's AST of the condition
# A basic action can be the name of a net or a trivial action
# '[False]'. Otherwise, it is composed of a possibly empty list of
# buffer accesses and a condition. If the condition is 'True', it is
# stored as attribute 'test=True", but more complex conditions are
# stored as a Python AST in a child tag <attribute name="test">. Each
# access is composed of a buffer name, an access mode and a parameter.

# Next elements are children of a tag <attribute name="type"> and
# defined the type of a buffer.

element ast {
  attribute name { "name }         # Python built-in type
  attribute value { type:string }  # name of the type

element ast {
  attribute name { "enum" }         # enumerated type
  element ast {
    attribute name { "values" }
    element python {                # Python's AST node in this case
      attribute class { "Tuple" }   # is a Tuple of Const
      element attribute {
        attribute name { "nodes" }
        values                      # eg, "[Const('a'), Const('b')]"

element ast {
  attribute name { "union" }  # union of two types
  element ast { ... }         # first type
  element ast { ... }         # second type

element ast {
  attribute name { "intersection" }  # intersection of two types
  element ast { ... }                # first type
  element ast { ... }                # second type

element ast {
  attribute name { "list" }  # list type
  element ast { ... }        # items' type

element ast {
  attribute name { "dict" }  # dict type
  element ast { ... }        # keys' type
  element ast { ... }        # values' type

element ast {
  attribute name { "set" }  # set type
  element ast { ... }       # items' type

# A Python AST is serialized as a <python> tag, see the section 31.3.1
# (AST Nodes) of the Python Library Reference for a list of AST nodes.

element python {
  attribute * { text }*      # direct mapping of simple attributes
  element attribute {        # complex attributes are serialized 
    attribute name { text }  # in a tag <object>
    element object { ... }
  data?                      # when none of the above method works,
                             # 'repr' is used to convert the AST to text