Franck Pommereau

removed obsolete files

1 - + emacs mode for ABCD
2 - ! fixex nodes merge in plugin labels
3 - ! fixed nets.MultiArc.flow (thanks to Jan Ciger's report)
4 -
5 -version 0.9.13 (Fri Jul 16 17:01:22 CEST 2010):
6 - + added inhibitor arcs
7 - + added Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) package
8 - ! fixed data.WordSet.fresh when base is used
9 - ! fixed reduce(xor, []) is some __hash__ methods
10 - + added PetriNet.layout method in snakes.plugins.gv
11 -
12 -version 0.9.12 (Thu Apr 1 19:42:33 CEST 2010):
13 - + removed PyGraphviz dependency (layout method supressed temporarily)
14 - + now compatible with PyPy (1.2), Unladen-Swallow and Jython (2.5.1)
15 - ! fixed snakes.plugins.clusters.rename_node
16 - ! fixed snakes.nets.Flush.flow
17 - ! fixed an uncaught exception in
18 - and
19 - ! hopefully fixed LALR built in ABCD compiler
20 - ! fixed hash-related issues
21 - * moved PLY stuff to snakes.utils.abcd
22 - * snakes.compyler has been completely replaced (PLY dependency removed)
23 -
24 -version 0.9.11 (Thu Mar 25 19:32:31 CET 2010):
25 - ! fixed various doctests
26 - ! fixed issues with attributes locking
27 - ! fixed issues related to missing __hash__ methods
28 - ! fixed renaming a node to itself in ABCD
29 - + added snakes.nets.Evaluator.__contains__
30 - + added base argument to
31 - + added option --symbols to ABCD compiler
32 - + added
33 - + added net instances naming in ABCD
34 - + added logo
35 - + added let function to update bindings from expressions
36 - + added
37 -
38 -version 0.9.10 (Fri Jun 19 13:32:45 CEST 2009):
39 - ! fixed inconstent hashing on clusters
40 - ! fixed mutability of hashed multisets
41 - ! fixed snakes.nets.Tuple.mode
42 -
43 -version 0.9.9 (Tue, 19 May 2009 15:00:00 +0100):
44 - + added to build deb packages for multiple distributions
45 - + ported to Python 2.6
46 -
47 -version 0.9.8 (lun, 23 mar 2009 17:30:34 (CET)):
48 - + added graph_attr option to snakes.plugins.gv.StateGraph
49 - * plugin gv now draws partially constructed marking graphs
50 - ! fixed expression compilation in present of net parameters in ABCD
51 - compiler
52 - ! fixed flush arcs binding
53 - * plugin lashdata has been removed because its too experimental
54 - * merged plugin decorators into a single one
55 -
56 -version 0.9.7 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009 13:04:15 +0100):
57 - ! fixed sharing of globals between net components
58 - ! fixed loading of PNML when some plugins fail to load
59 - + added cpp option to abcd
60 - + added some docstrings and doctests
61 - ! fixed sharing of globals between net components
62 -
63 -version 0.9.6 (Fri, 28 Nov 2008 15:22:27 +0100):
64 - + added doc for ABCD
65 - ! fixed False and True handling in ABCD compiler
66 - + added cross product types to ABCD
67 -
68 -version 0.9.5 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008 21:42:05 +0100):
69 - + added distutils
70 - * strip PNML data before decoding (work around invalid XML)
71 - ! fixed Multiset.__pnmlload__ on iterable values
72 -
73 -version 0.9.4 (mar, 28 oct 2008 12:28:02 (UTC+0100)):
74 - ! fixed nets.Value.__eq__, __ne__ and __hash__
75 - ! fixed nets.Token.__repr__
76 - + added Flush arcs
77 - ! fixed nets.Tuple.bind
78 - ! fixed PNML dump/load of subclasses
79 - ! fixed nets.PetriNet.merge_* in the presence of Tuple arcs
80 - ! fixed plugins.clusters.Cluster.path
81 - ! fixed plugins.status.PetriNet.__pnmlload__
82 - ! fixed ABCD lexer
83 - + improved ABCD compiler with parametric nets, Python declarations
84 - ! fixed black token values in ABCD arcs and flush
85 - + ABCD compiler launches pdb.post_mortem when an error occurs in
86 - + added TCP mode to query plugin debug mode
87 - * removed dependency to epydoc in snakes.typing
88 - + updated PNML doc
89 - + added a producer/consumer ABCD example
90 -
91 -version 0.9.3 (lun, 29 sep 2008 08:04:55 (CEST)):
92 - ! fixed a bug in place pnml loading
93 - ! fixed wrong association of pnml tags to classes
94 - + improved query and associated programs, added documentation
95 - * improved loading of PNML files with plugins
96 - * PNML tag <snakes> can only occur once as a child of <pnml>
97 - + abcd compiler adds many structural information to PNML (including
98 - + checks is snakes.version is correct AST if asked)
99 - + query plugins now has two verbosity levels
100 - + added snakes.compyler.Tree.__pnmldump__()
101 -
102 -version 0.9.2
103 - + added query plugin and demon client/server programs
104 - ! various small bugs fixed
105 - + improved PNML serialisation of standard objects
106 - + snakes.plugins.load puts new module in caller's environment
107 - ! fixed snakes.pnml.Tree.update
108 - * Substitution.image() returns a set
109 - + added
110 - ! PNML export empty arcs fixed
111 - ! fixed broken
112 - * updated so it uses gv
113 - * improved clustering efficiency
114 -
115 -version 0.9.1
116 - + added plugin gv to replace graphviz
117 - + added plugin clusters to manage clusters of nodes
118 - + updated plugins ops so it builds clusters
119 - * the plugin posops is deprecated since gv does the work much better
120 -
121 -version 0.9
122 - * dropped compatibilty with Python 2.4
123 - + finished pnml
124 - * the compyler module has been completely replaced
125 -
126 -Changes in 0.8.4 (06.09.2007 11:30:21):
127 - + updated the tutorial
128 -
129 -Changes in 0.8.3 (29.06.2007 11:57:39):
130 - + snakes.plugins.graphivz: added options to control the layout
131 - + snakes.plugins.graphviz: improved the rendering
132 - + updated the tutorial
133 -
134 -Changes in 0.8.2 (22.06.2007 13:09:02):
135 - + snakes.plugins.ops: added a name hiding operator (PetriNet.__div__)
136 - ! fixed several copy/clone problems
137 -
138 -Changes in 0.8.1 (20.06.2007 10:18:17):
139 - * updated tutorial
140 - + snakes.plugins.pos: the position of a node can be redefined when
141 - ! snakes.plugins.pos: accept float positions when loading from pnml
142 -
143 -Changes in 0.8 (19.06.2007 17:19:19): First public release.
1 -* add name to transitions, eg, [buff-(x) as name]
2 - make it consistent with instance names?
3 -* zero test/inhibitor arc
4 -! parameter and global buffer with same names => parameter ignored
5 -! accept net instances with too much parameters