Franck Pommereau

initial import

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\def\abcd #1{\texttt{#1}}
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%% drawing grid
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%% \node at (\x,.5) {\x};
%% }
%% \foreach \y in {1,...,29} {
%% \node at (.5,\y) {\y};
%% }
%% \end{tikzpicture}
%% \end{textblock}
%% title & logos
\Huge\textbf{ABCD cheatsheet}
\node[inner sep=0pt] (snk) {\includegraphics[width=15mm]{logo-snakes}};
\node[anchor=west,text width=6cm] at (snk.east)
\copyright~2018 Franck Pommereau\\[4pt]
%% command line interface
\advance\baselineskip by 14pt
\advance\parskip by 7pt
\tikz\node[shell,text width=\textwidth-10pt] {\texttt{\$ abcd
\shell{--pnml=FILE} save net as PNML \remark{SNAKES' variant}
\shell{--fdp=FILE} draw net using a GraphViz engine
\shell{--load=PLUGIN} load a plugin before to build net
\remark{may be repeated}
\shell{--simul} start interactive simulator
%% source structure
\node[anchor=base west] at (.2,.8) {\abcdC{a comment}};
\node[anchor=base west] at (.2,1.3) {\abcdC{another comment}};
\path[fill=red,opacity=.1] (0,1.5) rectangle (6,4);
\node at (3,2.7) {\color{red!50!black}declarations};
\path[fill=green,opacity=.1] (0,4) rectangle (6,6);
\node at (3,5) {\color{green!50!black}process};
\draw[color=gray!70,line width=2pt,rounded corners] (0,0) -- (5,0) -- (6,1) -- (6,6) -- (0,6) -- cycle;
\draw[color=gray!70,line width=2pt,rounded corners,cap=round,shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt] (5,0) |- (6,1);
%% declarations
\textbf{buffer declarations:}
\abcdK{buffer} \NT{name}\abcdK{:} \NT{type} \abcdK{= ()}\\
\* empty buffer
\abcdK{buffer} \NT{name}\abcdK{:} \NT{type} \abcdK{=} \NT{val}\abcdK{,} \NT{\dots}\\
\* buffer with initial content
\textbf{type expressions:}
any Python type or class\\
\* eg, \abcdR{int}, \abcdR{str}, \abcdR{object}, \dots,\\
\+ or user-defined classes
\abcdK{enum(}\NT{val}\abcdK{,} \NT{val}\abcdK{,} \NT{\dots}\abcdK{)}\\
\* enumerated type
\NT{type} \abcdK{*} \NT{type}\\
\* cross-product of types
\NT{type} \abcdK{|} \NT{type}\\
\* union of types
\NT{type} \abcdK{\&} \NT{type}\\
\* intersection of types
\textbf{types definition:}$^\star$
\abcdK{typedef} \NT{name}\abcdK{:} \NT{type}\\
\abcdK{const} \NT{name} \abcdK{=} \NT{expr}
\abcdK{symbol} \NT{name}\abcdK{,} \NT{\dots}\\
\* define fresh unique values
\textbf{Python imports:}$^\star$
\* just use regular Python imports
\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=0pt](call) {\textbf{sub-processes}};
\minor{$\star$ global declarations only}
%% atomic actions
\textbf{atomic actions:}
\* no-op non-blocking action
\* always-blocking action
\* unguarded action
\abcdA{\NT{accesses} \abcdK{if} \NT{expr}}\\
\* guarded action
\* consume \NT{val} from \abcdN{buff}
\* consume a value from \abcdN{buff}\\
\+ and binds it to \NT{var}
\* produce a value into \abcdN{buff}
\* test for \NT{val} in \abcdN{buff}
\* test for a value in \abcdN{buff}\\
\+ and binds it to \NT{var}
\* flush \abcdN{buff} into \NT{var}
\* add the values contained in\\
\+ \NT{var} to \abcdN{buff}
\* replace \NT{val} in \abcdN{buff}\\
\+ with \NT{expr}
\* replace \NT{var} in \abcdN{buff}\\
\+ with \NT{expr}
\remark{a comma-separated list of accesses\\[-2pt]
\( is performed atomically}
%% control flow
\textbf{control flow:}
\NT{process} \abcdK{;} \NT{process}\\
\* sequential composition
\NT{process} \abcdK{*} \NT{process}\\
\* non-deterministic choice\\
\+ \remark{use opposite guards to\\[-2pt]
\+\( make it deterministic}
\NT{process} \abcdK{*} \NT{process}\\
\* iterate left-hand-side and\\
\+ exit with right-hand-side
\NT{process} \abcdK{|} \NT{process}\\
\* parallel composition
\remark{no priorities $\Rightarrow$ use parentheses}
\textbf{sub-process instances:}
\* substitute \NT{args} in net \NT{name}\\
\+ scope its local buffers\\
\+ insert the net
\tikz\draw[guide,dashed,dash pattern=on 12pt off 6pt](0,0) -- (5,0);
\leavevmode\hbox to 0pt{\tikz[remember picture]\node[inner sep=3pt](suite){};\hss}%
\textbf{sub-process declarations:}
\abcdK{net} \NT{name} \abcdK{(}\NT{params}\abcdK{):}\\[-4pt]
\node[fill=red,opacity=.1,text opacity=1,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1cm]
at (2.6,0) {\color{red!50!black}declarations};
\node[fill=green,opacity=.1,text opacity=1,minimum width=4cm,minimum height=1cm]
at (2.6,1) {\color{green!50!black}process};
\node[rotate=90,text width=2cm,text centered,opacity=.3] at (0,.5) {\small indented\\[-5pt] block};
\textbf{sub-process parameters:}
\* a value is expected
\NT{name}\abcdK{: buffer}\\
\* a buffer name is expected
%% guide lines
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\draw[guide,->,shorten >=3pt,shorten <=3pt] (call) -| (7.5,25) |- (suite);
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%% title & logos
{\Large\bfseries a high-level Petri nets library}\\[15pt]
{\large Franck Pommereau}\\[30pt]
IBISC/COSMO, university of vry/Paris-Saclay\\
23 boulevard de France, 91037 vry Cedex France\\[20pt]
\node at (-2,0) {\includegraphics[width=150mm, height=150mm,
\node at (1,1) {\includegraphics[width=58mm, height=58mm,
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%% left column
\section{SNAKES in a nutshell}
\tikzstyle{popup}=[draw,rectangle callout,rounded corners=15,
text width=10cm,align=center,callout pointer width=7mm,
callout absolute pointer={(70:.5)},fill=popup]
\node at (0,0) {\scalebox{-1}[1]{%
\node[popup,callout relative pointer={(-70:2)}] at (90:1)
{SNAKES is a Python library};
\node[popup,callout relative pointer={(-150:2)}] at (40:1.4)
{Define and manipulate Petri nets};
\node[popup,callout relative pointer={(170:3)}] at (10:1.3)
{Very generic Petri net definition};
\node[popup,callout relative pointer={(150:4)}] at (-25:1.3)
{Annotations are Python expressions};
\node[popup,callout relative pointer={(80:4)}] at (-90:1)
{Tokens are Python objects};
\node[popup,cloud callout,cloud puffs=15,aspect=2.5,inner sep=-20pt,
cloud puff arc=120,callout relative pointer={(170:3)},
fill=blue!20,rounded corners=0] at (-45:1.7)
{\small Even SNAKES'\\[-20pt] net objects};
\node[popup,callout relative pointer={(50:4.5)}] at (-150:1.2)
{Fully reflexive for maximal flexibility};
\node[popup,cloud callout,cloud puffs=12,aspect=2.6,inner sep=-50pt,
cloud puff arc=140,callout relative pointer={(50:2)},
fill=blue!20,rounded corners=0] at (-130:1.5)
{\small Inspired\\[-20pt] by Emacs};
\node[popup,callout relative pointer={(10:3)}] at (170:1.2)
{Extensible with plugins};
\node at (0,0) {\includegraphics[scale=.5]{python-powered.pdf}};
\> {\color{snakes}\texttt{gv}}: draw Petri nets using GraphViz
\> {\color{snakes}\texttt{ops}}: algebras of Petri nets compositions
{\small\color{minor}(PBC, PNA, M-nets, \dots)}
\> {\color{snakes}\texttt{pids}}: dynamic processes creation and
\> {\color{snakes}\texttt{labels}}: arbitrary objects annotations
\> {\color{snakes}\texttt{let}}: variables assignation during computation
\> \dots {\color{minor}(your plugin here: try, it's easy)}
\section{ABCD for friendly modelling}
\> process algebra with friendly Python-like syntax
\> embeds full Python
\> compiler shipped with SNAKES library
\> generates Petri nets objects
\> export to pictures or PNML files
\> simulation and reachability analysis
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\null\hfill
\section{Neco for fast analysis}
\> \L ukasz Fronc's companion tool {\small\color{minor}(available
separately at \url{})}
\> Neco compiles SNAKES Petri nets into fast native code
\+ optimised marking structure
\+ per-transition optimised firing
\> reads PNML, ABCD, or net objects
\> process-symmetries reductions
\> state space exploration and LTL model-checking
{\small\color{minor}(using SPOT)}
\> awarded at the \emph{model-checking contest\/} 2013
{\small\color{minor}(PETRI NETS conf.)}
\vbox to 0pt{\vss\null\hfill
\node[inner sep=0pt] (neco) {\includegraphics[width=18cm]{neco.pdf}};
\node[below=-6pt] at (neco.south) {\scalebox{2.1}[1]{net
compiler\hskip 9pt\null}};
%% right column
\def\section#1{\noindent{\bfseries #1}\smallskip}
\path[fill=title] (0,0) rectangle (40,100);
\section{About SNAKES}
\> free \& open source {\small (GNU LGPL)}
\> works out of the box
\> 81.5k lines of portable Python
\> maintained for 10\texttt{+} years
\> one permanent developer/user
\> online documentation has\qquad 300\texttt{+} visitors per month
\section{SNAKES vs GitHub's top 10 Python projects$^*$
{\color{minor}\small(on Nov. 2013)}}
\vskip -1ex
\tikzstyle{project}=[left,anchor=base east,inner sep=0pt]
anchor=base west,inner sep=0pt,name=bar]
\tikzstyle{price}=[right,anchor=base west]
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\node[bar,text width=530] at (0,1) {\small\strut};
\node[price,anchor=base east] at (bar.base east)
{\raise -.1ex\hbox{\small\$5.3M (432)}};
\node[project] at (0,2) {\small\color{snakes}snakes\;};
\node[bar,text width=270] at (0,2) {\small\strut};
\draw[clip] (bar.north west) rectangle (bar.south east)
node at ( {\includegraphics[scale=.2]{python-skin}};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$2.7M (2)};
\node[project] at (0,3) {\small sick-beard\;};
\node[bar,text width=260] at (0,3) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$2.6M (110)};
\node[project] at (0,4) {\small ipython\;};
\node[bar,text width=230] at (0,4) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$2.3M (236)};
\node[project] at (0,5) {\small boto\;};
\node[bar,text width=210] at (0,5) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$2.1M (314)};
\node[project] at (0,6) {\small reddit\;};
\node[bar,text width=150] at (0,6) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$1.5M (87)};
\node[project] at (0,7) {\small sentry\;};
\node[bar,text width=130] at (0,7) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$1.3M (166)};
\node[project] at (0,8) {\small tornado\;};
\node[bar,text width=60] at (0,8) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$0.6M (120)};
\node[project] at (0,9) {\small requests\;};
\node[bar,text width=30] at (0,9) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$0.3M (275)};
\node[project] at (0,10) {\small flask\;};
\node[bar,text width=20] at (0,10) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$0.2M (159)};
\node[project] at (0,11) {\small httpie\;};
\node[bar,text width=10] at (0,11) {\small\strut};
\node[price] at (bar.base east) {\small\$0.1M (22)};
estimated cost to develop {\color{minor}\small(generated using David A.
Wheeler's ``SLOCCount'')} and number of contributors
\hbox to \textwidth{\null\hfill\color{minor}\small $^*$ 10 most forked
or followed Python projects}
\section{Using SNAKES out of Python}
\> write a binding in Cython
\PYc{# this is Cython code}
\PYk{cdef} \PYk{public} \PYk{int} \PYn{foo} (...):
\PYc{# Python with SNAKES here}
\> Cython compiles to C/C\texttt{++} \qquad with a \texttt{.h} file:
\PYc{// this is C/C++ code}
\PYk{extern} \PYk{int} \PYn{foo}(...);
\> use this API in your project
\section{Isn't Python slow?}
\> {\color{snakes}no} for handling nets {\small\color{minor}even large
\> {\color{red!30!black}yes} for firing transitions
\> \raise -.1ex\hbox{\includegraphics[height=.9em]{neco.pdf}} is fast
at that! {;-)}
%% flush top
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